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8:00 and 10:45 am Worship
9:30 a.m. Bible Classes 

8:30 pm Worship (begins 8/27)

Small groups meet at various times


4:00 p.m. Early worship in Room 154
6:30 p.m. Classes for children, youth & adults


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“Cultivating a Culture” (January-May 2024 Sermon Series)
Over the next several months, we want to focus on transforming DC into a community of believers that is even further defined by being the Word Made Flesh here in Searcy and in White County. 
We want to create a church culture that infiltrates the community and county (rather than being insulated from it) and is even more receptive to the Spirit’s leading when it comes to engaging the whole community. 
My guiding question is one I have shared with you before, “If the community were asked to keep only one congregation, which one would they choose and why?” 
I think every church should be asking this question. This isn’t to pit one church against another but rather an opportunity to revisit who we are, what we do, and why we do it. Are we living out the mission of Christ in messy and exciting ways or are we simply doing church right? 

Although DC is known for its generosity on many levels, I long for us to be more sacrificial, intentional, and frankly incarnational. That is what WORD Made Flesh is all about.